
Punch-Out!! is a highlight in the pool of NES games. Look what the press said to the game these days...

A. Official Nintendo publications

In 1987 Nintendo published the Nintendo Fun Club News with information about the latest NES cartridges. I have them all !!
Click the pics to read the reviews!! Nintendo Fun Club News was the Official Nintendo Publication before it was changed to Nintendo Power.


TThe European Version of the Nintendo Fun Club News was called CLUB NINTENDO. This way for theire Punch-Out!! related articles.

B. Video Game Magazines

Punch-Out review in the famous German computer game magazine ASM (issue 5/88).


Punch-Out!! review in the German No.1 computer magazine "POWER-PLAY": In the issue 4/88 it was rated 80 pct. Tips can be found at issues No. 5/88 (p.57), 6/88 (p.58), 4/89 (p.41), 8/89 (p.38). A US Video Games chart with Punch-Out!! on No.1 was published at issue 12/88. For more information about "Power Play" go to

See what German video games magazine "VideoGames" has to say about Punch-Out!! -click the scan!
